Judul artikel ilmiah/karya ilmiah/karya seni/buku yang dihasilkan selama tiga tahun terakhir oleh dosen tetap yang bidang keahliannya sesuai dengan program studi kimia
No |
Judul |
Nama-nama Dosen |
Dihasilkan/ dipublikasikan pada |
Thn Penyajian/ Publikasi |
Tingkat* |
Lokal |
Nasional |
Interna-sional |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
1 |
A Flavanoid Compound Isolated From The
Dichloromethane Extract of the Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos) |
Suyatno` |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 953 (2017) 012200 (Terindeks Scopus) |
2017 |
√ |
2 |
Partial Synthesis of Farrerol As Antibronchitis Agent
from Matteucinol Isolated from The Fern Chingia sakayensis Using Hydrobromic
Acid Reagent |
Suyatno |
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological,
and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS) (Jurnal
Internasional Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2017 |
√ |
3 |
development of teaching material of concept maps based on inquiry as an
effort to trained high-order thinking skills of chemistry education studentsi |
Suyatno |
Proceeding of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Science
and Technology (IJCST), Bali, 27-28 September 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
4 |
Stereokimia |
Suyatno |
Buku Ajar Mahasiswa dengan
ISBN: 978-602-449-069-0 |
2017 |
√ |
5 |
Metabolites Isolated from The Dichloromethane Extract of Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos) |
Suyatno |
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological,
and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS), Vol 9 No 1, pp: 566-570 (Jurnal Internasional Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
6 |
activity of flavonoid isolated from the acetone extract of silver fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos) |
Suyatno |
Advances in
Engineering Research, Atlantis
Press, volume 171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN: 978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
7 |
activity of streoid isolated from the n-hexane extract of silver fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos) |
Suyatno |
Proceeding of Interntional Conferecence,
on Mathematics, Sciences, Education, and Technology (ICOMSET), Universitas
Negeri Padang, 4-5 October 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
8 |
Aktivitas Antioksidan Senyawa Fenolik dari Tumbuhan Paku Perak (Pityrogramma calomelanos) |
Suyatno |
Seminar Nasional Kimia dan
Pembelajarannya, Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang, 3 Nopember
2018 |
2018 |
√ |
9 |
Innovative lesson study (LS) to improve the
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of STEM teacher candidates in Indonesia |
Suyatno |
Global Journal of
Engineering Education, Vol 20 No 1 pp: 39-47 (Terindeks Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
10 |
Pelatihan Pembuatan Serbuk Minuman Herbal Instan
Untuk Warga Desa Jajar, Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Blitar |
Suyatno |
Abdi, Vol 3 No 2 pp: 76-83, 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
11 |
Vitro Mucolytic Activity Assay of The Acetone Extract of The Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos) |
Suyatno |
of the International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services
(ICRACOS 2019) |
2019 |
√ |
12 |
Activity of Flavonol Isolated
from The Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos) |
Suyatno, Tukiran, Nurul Hidajati |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
13 |
Immunostimulant activity of steroid compound from
the indonesian silver fern (P. calomelanos) |
Suyatno |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics:
Conf. Series 1317 |
2019 |
√ |
14 |
The role of student's critical asking question in
developing student's critical thinking skills |
Leny Yuanita |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 953, 012042 (Terindeks Scopus) |
2017 |
√ |
15 |
Budidaya dan Pemanfaatan Tanaman
Yacon (Smallanthus Sonchifolius) Untuk Meningkatkan Potensi Alam Dan
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Argosari, Kecamatan Senduro, Kabupaten Lumajang |
Leny Yuanita, Prima Retno W |
Abdi, Vol 2 No 2 pp: 23-29, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
16 |
Lama Fermentasi Air Kelapa Dengan Starter Lactobacillus Plantarum Fncc
0027 terhadap Mutu Produk |
Leny Yuanita |
Seminar Nasional Kimia dan Pembelajarannya, Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unesa tanggal
7 Oktober 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
17 |
Produk Olahan Yacon Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Senduro: Teh, Cocktail,
dan Selai Yacon |
Leny Yuanita, Prima Retno W |
Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, LPPM Unesa, 4
Nopember 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
18 |
Pengaruh Variasi Lama Perebusan Dan Kadar Asam Klorogenat Daun
Yakon Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darahrattus Norvegicus |
Leny Yuanita |
Journal of Chemistry Vol 6 No 1 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
19 |
effect of storage and boiling point of yacon tubers to SCFA and lactic acids
concentration by bifido bacterium longum Reuter ATCC 17707 and Lactobacillus
acidophilus IFO 23951 |
Yuanita, Prima Retno W. |
Rasayan Journal Chemistry Vol 11 (4) :
1634-1642 (Jurnal Internasional terindeks Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
20 |
Model of Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Pre-service
Teachers |
Yuanita |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 947
(2018) 012013 (Terindeks
Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
21 |
Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson] on
The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations |
Yuanita |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
22 |
Developing of Teaching Materials of Natural Product Chemistry to
Increase Student’s Life Skills |
Suyatno |
Journal of Turkish Science
Education, Vol 14 No 2 pp: 27-41, 2017 (Terindeks Scopus, Q3) |
2017 |
√ |
23 |
Uji Antioksidan Dan Identifikasi Senyawa Aktif Dari Ekstrak
Kloroform Daun Tanaman Beluntas (Pluchea Indica L.). |
Tukiran |
Unesa Journal of Chemistry,
Vol 6 No 2, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
24 |
Uji Skrining Fitokimia Ekstrak Metanol Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Klampok
Watu(Syzygium Litorale) Phytochemical Screening On Methanol Ekstrak From
Steam Bark Klampok Watu(Syzygium Litorale) |
Tukiran |
Unesa Journal of Chemistry,
Vol 6 No 3, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
25 |
Antioxidant Activity of Palmitic Acid and
Pinostrobin from Methanol Extract of Syzygium Litoralle (Myrtaceae) |
Tukiran |
Proceeding of International
Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), Bali, 18-19 October 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
26 |
Isolation and
Cytotoxicity Test of Dichloromethane Extract of Syzygium malaccense |
Tukiran |
Advances in
Engineering Research, Atlantis
Press, volume 171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN: 978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
27 |
An Ellagic Acid Derivative and Its Antioxidant
Activity of Chloroform Extract of Stem Bark of Syzygium polycephalum Miq. (Myrtaceae) |
Tukiran |
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Vol
18 No 1 2018 (Terindeks Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
28 |
Thunbergia Erecta L. Flower As An
Alternative Acidbase Natural Indicators |
Tukiran |
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 11 No.2 2018
(Jurnal Internasional terindeks Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
29 |
Sintesis Senyawa Organik |
Suyatno |
Buku Ajar Mahasiswa dengan
ISBN: 978-602-449-2124-4 |
2018 |
√ |
30 |
Synthesis And Characterization Chitosanglutaraldehide
Alginate Blends For Candidate
Hemodialysis Membrane |
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum |
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 10 No.3 . 2017
pp 959- 966 (Jurnal Internasional terindeks Scopus) |
2017 |
√ |
31 |
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatit
powder by wet precipitation method |
Sari Edi
Cahyaningrum |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics:
Conf. Series 299 (2017) 0122039 (Terindeks Scopus) |
2017 |
√ |
32 |
Sintesis Dan Karakterisasi Komposit
Hidroksiapatit-Kitosan-Kolagen Sebagai Biomaterial Bone Graft |
Sari Edi
Cahyaningrum, Siti Lailatul Arifah |
Journal Of Chemistry, Vol 6 No 2, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
33 |
Kimia Dasar 1 |
Sari Edi
Cahyaningrum, Nuniek Herdyastuti, Siti Tjahjani, Amaria |
Buku Ajar Mahasiswa dengan ISBN: 978-602-449-065-2 |
2017 |
√ |
34 |
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Bone
Graft dari Komposit Hidroksiapatit/Kolagen/Kitosan (HA/Coll/Chi) dengan
Metode Ex-Situ sebagai Kandidat Implan Tulang |
Sari Edi
Cahyaningrum, Muslimatul Khoiriyah |
Journal Of Chemistry, Vol 7 No 1, 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
35 |
Fabrication Of Nanohydroxyapatite/ Scrawl
Collagen/Chitosan Composite For Bone Graft Candidate |
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum |
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry,Vol 11, Nomer 2,
2018 ,pp 488-493 (Jurnal Internasional Terindeks Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
36 |
Sari Edi
Cahyaningrum |
Advances in
Engineering Research, Atlantis
Press, volume 171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN: 978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
37 |
Hydroxyapatite Collagen/ Chitosan Composite for Tissue Engineering |
Sari Edi
Cahyaningrum, Nunik Herdyastuti |
The 3rd
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, Education, and Technology
and AMLI 2018, 4-5 October 2018, Universitas Negeri Padang |
2018 |
√ |
38 |
The Effect of Concentration Calcium Alginate On Metformine
Encapsulated |
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum |
Atlantis Highlights in
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
39 |
Use of hydroxyapatite from egg-shell as raw
material for synthesis bone graft |
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum |
journal of chemistry Vol.35.No.3 terindex Thomson Reuters (Clarivate Analite) |
2019 |
√ |
40 |
Synthesis hydroxyapatite/collagen/Chitosan composite for
tissue engineering |
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum |
IOP :Volume 1317, 2019 (terindeks Scopus) |
2019 |
√ |
41 |
The Encapsulation of metformine on
chitosan matrix as diabetes mellitus drug slow release system |
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum |
Journal of Chemistry (terindex Scopus) |
2019 |
√ |
42 |
Nanosilver Sebagai Antibakteri Dalam Sediaan Farmasi Krim Pelembab Mata |
Titik Taufikurohmah,
Khimayaturrosyida Arfi |
Unesa Journal Of Chemistry, Vol 6 No 1,
2017 |
2017 |
√ |
43 |
Limbah Serbuk Industri Ban |
Titik Taufikurohmah,
Yudo Candra W |
Unesa Journal Of Chemistry, Vol 6 No 3,
2017 |
2017 |
√ |
44 |
Clinical Test of Nano gold Cosmetic for Recovering Skin Damage Due to Chemicals:
Special Case |
Titik Taufikurohmah |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics:
Conf. Series 947 (2018) 012056 (Terindeks
Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
45 |
Titik Taufikurohmah |
Advances in
Engineering Research, Atlantis
Press, volume 171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN: 978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
46 |
Titik Taufikurohmah |
Advances in
Engineering Research, Atlantis
Press, volume 171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN: 978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
47 |
Phytochemical Properties of Skin Care Cream
Containing Essential Oil of Galangal |
Titik Taufikurohmah |
Advances in
Engineering Research, Atlantis
Press, volume 171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN: 978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
48 |
of Complaints Relation of Clinical Test Volunteers with Dangerous Material
Content in Cosmetics Formula That Used |
Titik Taufikurohmah |
Proceeding of International
Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), Bali, 18-19 October 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
49 |
The Clinical Test of Nano gold Cosmetic for
Recovering Skin Damage Due to Chemicals: Special Case |
Taufikurohmah, I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics:
Conf. Series 947, 012056
(Terindeks Scopus) |
2018 |
√ |
50 |
and Characterization of Nanogold-Nanosilver Cluster Diameter Using UV-Visible
Instruments and TEM Electron Microscope Transform Instruments |
Taufikurohmah |
Proceedings of the International Conference
on Research and Academic Community Services |
2019 |
√ |
51 |
Utilization Of Nanogold And Nanosilver To Treat Herpes Disease:
Case Study Of Herpes Transmission In Islamic Cottage Schools |
Taufikurohmah |
Atlantis Highlights in
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
52 |
Pembuatan Elektroda Pasta Karbon
Termodifikasi Bentonit Untuk Analisis Logam Tembaga (Ii)) Secara Cyclic Voltammetry
Stripping |
Setiarso |
Indonesian Chemistry and Aplication
Journal (ICAJ), Vol 1 No.1, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
53 |
Penyerapan Ekstrak Selulosa Kulit Jagung Terhadap Logam Berat Pb |
Setiarso |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kimia,
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unesa, 22 September 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
54 |
Synthesizing Graphene Oxide as a Working Electrode
Using Cyclic Voltammetry |
Setiarso |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
55 |
Pirim Setiarso |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
56 |
Setiarso |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
57 |
Effect of Stirring Time and Cast Thickness on Morphology, Permeability, And
Thermal Stability of Polysulfone/Polyvinylidene Fluoride Blended Membranes |
Setiarso |
Proceeding of International Conference on Science and Technology
(ICST), Bali, 18-19 October 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
58 |
Production Of Working Electrodes Graphene Oxide For Phenol
Analysis Voltammetrically |
Setiarso |
Atlantis Highlights in
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
59 |
Standardization of Herbal Tea Quality Production Baureno
Bojonegoro Society |
Pirim Setiarso, Rusijono, Asrul
Bahar, Samik, Nita kusumawati |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry
and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1 pp: 55-59, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
60 |
Preparation of L-Arginine-Modified Silica-Coated Magnetite
Nanoparticles for Au(III) Ion Adsorption |
Amaria |
Oriental Journal of Chemistry, India (Jurnal Internasional terindeks Scopus) |
2017 |
√ |
61 |
Coating of L-Arginine Modified Silica on Magnetite through Two
Different Sol-Gel Routes |
Amaria |
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (IJC) (Jurnal Internasional terindeks Scopus) |
2017 |
√ |
62 |
of Surface Plasmon Resonance of Gold Nanoparticles Stabilized by L-arginine |
Amaria |
Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1,
2019 |
2019 |
√ |
63 |
method for chloramphenicol analysis based on diazotization process |
Maria Monica SBW |
Proceeding of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Science
and Technology (IJCST), Bali, 27-28 September 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
64 |
Analisis Kualitatif |
Maria Monica SBW |
Buku Ajar Mahasiswa, ISBN:
978-602-449-064-5 |
2017 |
√ |
65 |
the method used for extraction chloramphenicol from its Molecularly Imprinted
Polymer (MIP) using chloroform as porogen |
Maria Monica SBW |
Atlantis Highlights in
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
66 |
Penentuan Aktivitas Senyawa Turunan Mangiferin Sebagai
Antidiabetes Pada Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Secara In Silico |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Unesa Journal of Chemistry
Vol. 6, No. 3 |
2017 |
√ |
67 |
Validity And Effectiveness Of Physics Independent Learning Model
To Improve Physics Problem
Solving And Selfdirected Learning
Skills Of Students In Open And Distance Education Systems |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Journal of Baltic Science Education,
Vol. 16, No. 5, 2017 (Terindeks Scopus) |
2017 |
√ |
68 |
Kimia |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Buku Ajar Mahasiswa, ISBN:
978-602-449-063-8 |
2017 |
√ |
69 |
Properties of Skin Care Cream Containing Essential Oil of Galangal |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya,
Titik Taufikurohmah |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
70 |
Chromium in
Fermented Rice Flour with Bakery’s Yeast |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN: 978-94-6252-591-7.
Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
71 |
Interaksi Kromium (Iii) Dan Glut 1 Pada Transportasi Gula
Ke Dalam Sel Penderita Diabetes Tipe 2 |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat, LPPM
Unesa, 27 Oktober 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
72 |
Study Komputasi Aktivitas Senyawa Turunan
Mangiferin Sebagai Anti Diabetes Tipe 1 Menggunakan Metode Hksa (Hubungan
Kuantitatif Struktur Dan Aktivitas) Dan Penambatan Molekul |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Unesa Journal of Chemistry
Vol. 7, No. 1 |
2018 |
√ |
73 |
Determination of Ellagic Acid Compound Activity as Anti Breast
Cancer |
I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
74 |
Dari Cangkang Rajungan Yang Diperoleh Secara Enzimatik Pada Tahap
Deproteinasi |
Nuniek Herdyastuti,
istiva Ameilia |
Unesa Journal Of Chemistry, Vol 6 No 2,
2017 |
2017 |
√ |
75 |
Kitosan Dari Cangkang Kupang Beras (Tellina Sp) Sebagai Antijamur Pada
Mebel Bioanyaman |
Nuniek Herdyastuti |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kimia ,
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unesa, Tanggal 7 Oktober 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
76 |
Limbah Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Acuminate) Sebagai Penjernihan Air |
Nuniek Herdyastuti |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kimia ,
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unesa, Tanggal 7 Oktober 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
77 |
of Heavy Metals of
Activities Disposal in Laboratory Using Active Carbon and Bentonite |
Herdyastuti |
Proceeding of International
Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), Bali, 18-19 October 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
78 |
Pelatihan Pengelolaan Laboratorium
Pendidikan Kimia Bagi Guru-Guru Mgmp Kimia Blitar |
Herdyastuti |
Jurnal Abdi, Vol 4 No 1 pp: 45-50 |
2018 |
√ |
79 |
Adsorption of copper metal waste
in prototypes on a laboratory scale |
Herdyastuti |
Atlantis Highlights in
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
80 |
and Adsorption Capacity of Activated Carbon and Bentonite to Heavy Metal |
Herdyastuti |
Eurasian Journal of
Analytical Chemistry 14 (3) : 48 - 54 Agustus 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
81 |
Antibiotik Amoksisilin Pada Strain Lactobacillus Plantarum B1765 Sebagai
Kandidat Kultur Probiotik |
Retno Wikandari |
UNESA Journal of Chemistry Vol. 6, No.
1, January 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
82 |
Lama Fermentasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Lactobacillus Plantarum B1765 Terhadap
Mutu Pikel Umbi Yakon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) |
Retno Wikandari |
UNESA Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 6, No.
2, May 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
83 |
Garam Empedu oleh Bekasam Bandeng (Chanos Chanos) yang Difermentasi dengan
Lactobacillus plantarum B1765 secara In Vitro |
Retno Wikandari |
UNESA Journal of Chemistry Vol. 6, No.
1, January 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
84 |
Waktu Fermentasi Pikel Umbi Yakon (Smallanthus Sonchifoliu) Terfermentasi
Lactobacillus Plantarum B1765 |
Prima Retno Wikandari, Leny
Yuanita |
Seminar Nasional Kimia , Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unesa, Tanggal 7 Oktober 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
85 |
Potensi Bakteri Asam Laktat Lactobacillus Plantarum B1765 Sebagai Bioactive
Dan Probiotic Agent |
Prima Retno Wikandari, Leny
Yuanita |
Seminar Nasional Kimia , Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unesa, Tanggal 7 Oktober 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
86 |
Prima Retno Wikandari |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
87 |
Isolation and Utilization of Protease Lactic Acid Bacteria as
Meat Tenderizer |
Retno Wikandari |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
88 |
Antioxidant And Prebiotics Properties Of Single Garlic (Allium
sativum) Pickle |
Retno Wikandari |
Prosiding International Symposium of Lactic Acid
Bacteria |
2019 |
√ |
89 |
of Zeolit-Chitosan Composites Coating on Urea Fertilizer as Slow Release
Fertilizer |
kartika Maharani |
Journal of Pharmaceuti cal, Biological and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS) Vol 8
No. 6, 2017 (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2017 |
√ |
90 |
Efisiensi Proses Pewarnaan melalui Agen Fiksasi Ramah Lingkungan pada
Kelompok Batik Tulis Pasuruan |
Dina Kartika Maharani |
Abdi, Vol 2 No 2 pp: 30-33, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
91 |
Nitrogren Pada Pupuk Slow Release Urea Dengan Menggunakan Matriks
Kitosan-Bentonit |
Dina Kartika Maharani |
Journal Of Chemistry, Vol 6 No 1, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
92 |
Anorganik Unsur Transisi |
Dina Kartika Maharani, Sari Edi C, Amaria |
Ajar Mahasiswa, ISBN: 978-602-449-086-7 |
2017 |
√ |
93 |
Kartika Maharani, Kusumawati Dwiningsih |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
94 |
Usage Of Chitosan-Silica with Crosslinking Agent As
A Matrix For Slow Release Fertilizer |
Kartika Maharani, Reisza Savana |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
95 |
of Zeolite and Chitosan Composites As Slow Release Fertilizer |
Kartika Maharani |
International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), Bali,
18-19 October 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
96 |
Komposisi Unsur Pupuk Lepas Lambat Kitosan-Silikaglutaraldehid |
Dina Kartika
Maharani, Raisza Tarida Savana |
Journal Of Chemistry, Vol 7 No 1, 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
97 |
The Study of Self-Cleaning Properties of TiO2 Coated
on Cotton Fabrics |
Kartika Maharani |
Proceedings of
the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference |
2019 |
√ |
98 |
and Characterization of Nano TiO2 with Sol-Gel Method as Self-Cleaning Agent
on Acrylic Paint |
Kartika Maharani |
Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1,
2019 |
2019 |
√ |
99 |
Nita Kusumawati |
International Journal of Advanced Science, Engineering, and
Information Technology (IJASEIT) |
2017 |
√ |
100 |
The influnce of washing process using TRO on
indigosol dying quality, leaching percentage, and mechanical strength of mori
fabric |
Nita Kusumawati |
Journal of Pharmaceuti cal, Biological and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS) Vol 8
No. 6, 2017 (Terindeks Scopus Q3) |
2017 |
√ |
101 |
Characterization and Application of Natural Dyes from the Fresh Mangosteen
(Garcinia mangostana L.) Peel |
Nita Kusumawati |
International Journal
of Advanced Science, Engineering, and Information Technology (IJASEIT) |
2017 |
√ |
102 |
The Effect of Blending Composition Against Latched Power and the
Resistance of Batik Wax Against Cracking and Alkaline Chemicals |
Nita Kusumawati |
International Journal of Advanced
science, engeneering and information technology (IJASEIT) Vol 7 No. 4, 2017
(Terindeks Scopus, Q4) |
2017 |
√ |
103 |
Pengaruh Komposisi Larutan Cetak Dan
Temperatur Pengadukan Terhadap Karakteristik Fisik, Mekanik Dan Permeabilitas
Air Murni Membran Polyether Imide |
Kusumawati, Pirim Setiarso, Maria Monica SBW |
Indonesian Chemistry and Aplication
Journal (ICAJ), Vol 1 No.1, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
104 |
Synergetic ability of PSf and PVDF to develop
high-performance PSf/PVDF coated membrane for water treatment |
Nita Kusumawati, Pirim Setiarso |
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry (RJC) Vol
11 No. 1, 2018 (Terindeks Scopus, Q3) |
2018 |
√ |
105 |
Transport properties, mechanical behavior,
thermal and chemical resistance of asymmetric flat sheet membrane prepared
from PSf/PVDF blended membrane on gauze supporting layer |
Nita Kusumawati |
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry (RJC) Vol
18 No. 2, 2018 (Terindeks Scopus, Q3) |
2018 |
√ |
106 |
Polysulsone/ Polyvinylidene fluoride composite
membrane effect of coating dope composition on membrane characteristics and
performance |
Nita Kusumawati |
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry (RJC) Vol
11 No. 3, 2018 (Terindeks Scopus, Q3) |
2018 |
√ |
107 |
Extraction and Characterization of The Base Halal
Gelatin Based on Bovine Bone |
Nita Kusumawati |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
108 |
Development of Textile Natural Dyeing using Hybrid
Dyes from Mango Leaves Turmeric |
Nita Kusumawati |
Advances in Engineering Research, Atlantis Press, volume
171. ISSN: 2352-5401, ISBN:
978-94-6252-591-7. (Terindeks Thomson Reuters) |
2018 |
√ |
109 |
Pewarna Alami untuk Tekstil |
Nita Kusumawati |
Ajar Mahassiswa dengan ISBN: 978-602-449-124-6 |
2018 |
√ |
110 |
Membran |
Nita Kusumawati |
Ajar Mahassiswa dengan ISBN:
978-602-449-167-3 |
2018 |
√ |
111 |
Quality Improvement of ABBS Hand Writing Batik Production through
Standardization of Natural Dyeing using Water Guava and Mango Leaves |
Nita kusumawati, Samik, Anang
Kistyanto |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis
Press, Vol.1 pp: 29-32 |
2019 |
√ |
112 |
Exploration of Natural Dyes by Using a Combination of Caesalpinia
sappan and Leucaena leucocephala L. Leaves |
Nita kusumawati, Samik, Supari
Muslim |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis
Press, Vol.1 pp: 33-37 |
2019 |
√ |
113 |
Extraction and Application of Natural Dyes from Brazilwood and Water
guava leaves |
Nita kusumawati, Anang
Kistyanto, Samik |
Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis
Press, Vol.1 pp: 38-42 |
2019 |
√ |
114 |
Development of PVDF/PEI Blended Membrane: Effect of Stirring Time on Membrane
Characteristics and Performance |
Nita kusumawati |
RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry (Scopus) |
2019 |
√ |
115 |
of Curing and Extraction Time on Yield and Quality of Base Gelatin from Goat
Skin |
Nita kusumawati |
IOP Conf. Ser. : Earth Environ. Sci. 347 012083 |
2019 |
√ |
116 |
Pemanfaatan Air Buangan Ac (Air
Conditioner) Sebagai Pengganti Akuades |
Pirim Setiarso |
Indonesian Chemistry and Aplication
Journal (ICAJ), Vol 1 No.1, 2017 |
2017 |
√ |
117 |
Characterization Of Mesoporous Nazsm-5 and K3PO4/Nazsm-5
from Adsorption and Desorption Isotherm |
Samik |
Advance Science Letters, Vol 23 No 12
Desember 2017 (Jurnal Internasional) |
2017 |
√ |
118 |
Kimia Zat Padat |
Samik, Harun Nasrudin, Pirim Setiarso |
Buku Ajar Mahasiswa Unesa University
Press ISBN: 978-602-449-211-3 |
2018 |
√ |
119 |
Diversification of “NAJWA” Hijab Staining using TieDye Method Based on
Natural Dyes |
Budi Santoso, Nita
kusumawati |
Atlantis Highlights in
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1 pp: 74-78 |
2019 |
√ |
120 |
Yeast Hydrolysate Enzymatic (YHE) as Degradation Result using
Pineapple’s Bromelin as Preparation Material of Microbiological Culture-Media |
Mirwa Adiprahara |
Advance Science Letters Vol
23, No. 12, pp: 12020-12024 |
2017 |
√ |
121 |
Analysis of Contaminant and Nutritional Content of Red Galangal
(Alpinia purpurata K. Schaum)
Simplicia |
Mirwa Adiprahara |
International Conference on
Science and Technology (ICST), Bali, 18-19 October 2018 |
2018 |
√ |
122 |
Morphometric and Nutrient Content of Endemic Solen
sp. (Lorjuk) of Pamekasan Madura |
Mirwa Adiprahara |
Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1,
2019 |
2019 |
√ |
123 |
Characteristics of gold nanoparticles that are stabilized by L-arginine |
Amaria |
of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International
Conference (MISEIC 2019) |
2019 |
√ |
124 |
The Effect of the concentration
of Sodium Nitrite toward the detection limit of chloramphenicol |
Maria Monica SBW |
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS 2019) |
2019 |
√ |
125 |
Development of the Chemistry
Teaching Material Using the Cooperative Learning Model with STAD Type Based on
Multiple Representation to Improve the Students Learning Outcomes on the Molecular
Geometry Topic |
Suyatno |
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in
Education (IOSR-JRME) Volume 9, Issue
3, pp: 26-32, May-June 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
126 |
Effectiveness of Authentic Assessment: Performances, Attitudes, and
Prohibitive Factors |
Leny Yuanita |
16, Issue 2, June 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
127 |
The students’ conception track of low-perception-students trough the
conceptual change (CCM) module based on mental models on electron
configuration concept |
Leny Yuanita |
Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atlantis Press, Vol.1,
2019 |
2019 |
√ |
128 |
Chemical Components and Antioxidant Activities of Methanol Extract of Syzygium
polycephalum Miq. Stem Bark (Myrtaceae) |
Tukiran |
Indian Journal of Natural Products and
Resources, Vol. 10. No. 2, pp 127-136, June 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
129 |
Development of a Graphic Organizer-Based Argumentation Learning (GOAL)
Model for Improving the Self-Efficacy and Ability to Argue of Chemistry
Teacher Candidates” |
Tukiran |
World Transactions on
Engineering and Technology Education, Vol. 16. No 2, 2018, pp. 179-185 |
2018 |
√ |
130 |
Theoretical And Empirical
Validity Of Student Work Sheets To Train Eco Innovation In The Study Of Food
Analysis |
Taufikurohmah |
Proceedings of the National Conference
SNK-2019 Atlantic Press, Volume 1, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
131 |
Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on
Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer |
Taufikurohmah |
Proceeding of International Conference
ICEI-2019. Atlantic Press, Voume 387, 2019 |
2019 |
√ |
0 |
41 |
90 |